SAUMWEBER - Hersteller & Vertrieb: Butaris, Butteria, Butterfett, Bäckerbutter & Tourierbutter

You are always on our minds.

We are strong partners for our customers
Reliability and fairness are our credo. Principally, there is a specific contact person for our customers, who offers perfectly designed solutions even for unusual ideas. Our work is focussed on individual advice and long-term customer relationships. The result is a consequent further development of our products and services.
The right product at the right time at the right place

Time is money and storage locks up capital. Good to know that our sophisticated logistics allow due delivery even on a short-term basis. Adherence to delivery dates and reliability are our top priority.

Specialised in you
We materialise your requests. Our strength is to respond to individual requirements, even if only small production quantities are needed. Customer-specific formulations, special pack sizes and individual system solutions are a natural part of our business. Advise with regard to the broad variety of the use of edible oils and fats as well as support in the development of new products are central elements of the service we offer.